Commercial - Residential - Industrial
The preconstruction due to diligence assistance we work closely with our loyal customers from the day they sign the contract throughout the acquisition | feasibility | budget preparations all the way through construction & then through the final plat | approval effort. Providing complete intimate support to our preferred loyal clients who give them comfort creating a "Project Team" instead of the usual "Subcontractor | Owner" Project Feel which is less transparent from all sides. We provide a transparent
"Open Book" type of service to our elite clients.
Which allows them to have an extreme comfort throughout the development process of unknown items ever putting them or their monetary & timeline goals at risk of the project ending over budget or having delays beyond creative reachability that our strong project team can't overcome through total trust | commitment they get when having WG on their job.
We provide the "Insurance & Risk Protection" every
developer | owner seeks but rarely finds with the mentality of most their subcontractors. This comfort created gives them the confidence to pursue the properties that might give some developers the fear of potential unknowns that might blindside the success of their project knowing if any items arise during the construction phase. They can always count on WG thinking outside the box to come up with ways to eliminate busts in costs | schedule impacts that most site contractors would use as leverage to hold the schedule | job hostage for their monetary benefits. Here is a list of Pre-Con Services Team Weaver provides to our dedicated clients

Budget Cost Preparation w/ Cost Updating Support
Value Engineering Considerations from initial
preliminary docs there-on -
VE Meetings with owner | engineer throughout the project engineering | construction
Test Pit Services for Rock | Unsuitable Mapping | Info to use for engineering adjustments | cost contingency allocations
Field As Builts | Alta Surveys Services
Involved in Municipal Meetings | Inspections | Precon Meetings | Owner Subcontractor Management & Coordination Support
Dirt | Grading 3-D Imaging w/ colored maps & volume feedback for owner comfort
GPS | Machine Control Site Adjustment Support
Phase 1 Environmental Services | Clearing Access Support Services
Environmental Issues Detection Support | Removal of Environmental Items for Legal Approvals
Schedule Support | Input Duration for Carry Cost
Understanding | Lot Delivery Date Considerations at any stage of feasibility study period